
Sunday, May 20, 2012

Visiting the Archers in Austin

This weekend we traveled to Austin to see Joanna and Aaron.  Joanna is pregnant and 3 weeks ahead of me, so we enjoyed trading pregnancy stories :)  They took us out on the Colorado river in a couple of kayaks and a canoe for some sunning and fishing.

 My tailbone has been giving me some trouble in recent weeks so I came prepared with a blow up donut.  Pregnancy is so glamorous.
 Jeremiah in the kayak

 Joanna and Aaron in the canoe
 Before church on Sunday morning.  Me -20 weeks, Joanna 23 weeks
The whole crew.  Compare the above picture to this one....

 Taken in the same spot exactly two years before!

We love you guys and had a great visit.  Baby B can't wait to meet Baby A.

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