This is precious Bella blowing her bubbles. Earlier in the evening Bella was well entertained by Miles & Maximus. Or I should say Bella entertained them. :) She gave them a taste of what having a child around the house would be like. She loved Maximus, but he wanted no part of her. He would hiss at her, and she would shake her finger at him saying, "You be nice!" Jeremiah and I saw that our nursery received the kid stamp of approval because Bella read all the books and played with all the stuffed animals.
Sam and Jeremiah are showing off their bocci ball talents.
Not only can my husband play a mean game of bocci ball, he can juggle them, too! Who knew?! Side note: I don't know how to turn a movie when it is uploaded, but I'll try to figure that out and change it. When the sun went down we saw a great fireworks show sitting in the Christ Chapel parking lot. The most memorable story of the night was Jeremiah's truck's sensitive alarm. We had the tailgate down and sat in the back. Every fifth firework or so, his truck alarm would go off because of the boom. We just pretended we were honking at the fireworks, ha! Apparently Baby Boy can hear and detect light, so that was technically his first fireworks show. But, I didn't feel any kicks. Maybe he was struggling to find room from all that food I ate. Happy Birthday America!
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