This summer I planned to update our blog as much as possible with our daily activities and such. However, instead of updating our blog, I've been going blog crazy reading other people's blogs! I think it's because I'm at such a transition point in my life. Turning 30, getting married, and expecting a baby all in the past 6 months will certainly change your daily routine and your interests. For example, last summer
I was doing a lot of shopping for this...
And a little of this...
Looking at places like this...
To make an event like this...
But this summer I'm doing a lot of shopping for this...
And doing a little of this...
Looking at places like this...
To make an event like this....
God has been so gracious during this time in my life and the past year has held a lot of new events for us. I've been so excited to learn about wedding planning, being married, being pregnant, and being a homemaker. Because of this new excitement I love reading about other people's similar experiences. I've been hooked on The Pioneer Woman's
blog lately for two reasons: 1) She makes me laugh. 2) She makes great food. In fact I've made the most amazing
chicken fried steak from her recipe. She even inspired me to go out an buy my very own cast iron skillet. Jeremiah came into the living room the other day as I was watching her cooking show on Food Network. He asked, "Oh, is that the Pioneer Woman?" like he finally got to meet the goddess who has been teaching his wife to make great food. Thanks for all the great food tips, Ree. I feel like we're great friends.
A couple of weeks ago my friend Sarah pointed me toward a blog called
A Holy Experience. (Think Pioneer Woman but in Canada.) She's married to a farmer like Ree's married to a rancher, and she also home schools her whole bunch of kids. These are her own words...
"I weep wonder when I read how God’s changing lives
through those humble pages and it’s just proof that God really does use
broken, messed up, and fallible lives anyways.
… and honestly? the only words that really matter?
Are the ones I live.
This convicts me.
I keep writing it out here everyday, the words I am seeking to live — about this wondrously messy, everyday-holy life….
about finding the beauty and quiet,
about slowing to see the sacred in the chaos,
the Cross in the clothespin,
the flame in the bush…
Just listening – laundry, liturgy, life, — all of life, holy ground.
A holy experience — because God has flaming bushes everywhere.
It’d be pure grace to walk a bit, you and I – to
live the words together…"
I started reading a book she wrote called
One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are and have since been inspired to see God's grace in all the little things in life.
Today I found a blog called
Everyday Occasions by Jenny Hobick. She is a former event planner turned mother/home entertainment planner. I really love her simple entertaining style. Plus her daughter, Emma, is just so stinkin' cute!
I haven't even mentioned all the blogs I love reading because I really know the people who write them! Check out the Blogs We Follow on the right side of my page to get a taste of some of my real friends' lives. Time to get back to reading!