
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Baby Prep

After much creative deliberation, Jeremiah and I finally decided and agreed on a way to arrange the guest room and the nursery so that we didn't lose our guest bed.  Mom B and Mom M, we are counting on you guys to come help us with this baby thing!  We will provide room and board.  At first I didn't like Jeremiah's suggestion that we keep the guest bed because I thought we would have to put it in the nursery, but we found a way to put the computer in with the bed and leave the nursery in a room of its own.

 I spent some time trying to figure out a way to make the guest bedroom closet into a baby closet/ teacher storage/arts and crafts closet.  This is the first step in the attempt!

 I bought this amazing gift wrapping organizer at The Container Store last week.  It holds all of my gift wrapping supplies and tools and hangs on the back of the closet door.  Brilliant.
 Baby B's hats given to us by a friend :)
 Drawer #1 organized and ready for baby.
 Collecting baby books has become a new hobby.
One shelf area set up by the rocker...  More pictures to come as we work to put it all together!

Peach Cupcakes!

Now that summer is here I get to attack the "Fun" To Do list.  For months I've been crossing things off of the "Have To" To Do List, but now I have time (and energy) to devote to the things I've been wanting to do.  I told Jeremiah that this is going to be the best summer ever.  In the past it has been hard for me to be at home all day and evening and sometimes not see another person on days here and there.  Now I get to be home all day and Jeremiah comes home to be with me every night!  Just another blessing of marriage.. so fun to get to see him everyday.

I finished up with school last Monday, but I spent the rest of the week with some awesome fourth graders at Kids Kamp at Christ Chapel.  It was a great experience and I'm glad I got to help serve those kiddos, but I'm glad it came before the 100 degree heat of this week.  Yesterday, I decided to go for a walk, visit the library to begin my summer reading, and make peach cupcakes!

Something about peaches lately has really got me.  I love them and can't seem to get enough!  I found a recipe on Pinterest for peach cupcakes with peach cream cheese icing and immediately gathered the stuff for a culinary creation.

 First I had to find two bags of freeze dried peaches like these at Target.
 Mix together dry ingredients.
 Mix together peach puree and buttermilk.
 Blend butter, sugar, eggs, and vanilla. Finally combine all of them together.
 Viola!  Yummy, warm peach cupcakes!
 The perfect summer treat.  I had to deliver some to Chris and Jonathan last night so I wouldn't eat them all.  Leah and Tyler and Jen and Cody will get some today :)

One More Surprise

Since we celebrated with a little getaway the weekend before, I expected my Monday birthday to be pretty low key.  We had decided to eat at Lucile's, my favorite dinner spot, just the two of us... or so I thought.  I walked in and saw Krista and Sam out of the corner of my eye.  On second inspection, there were a table full of great friends, waiting there to surprise me!

Thanks Leah & Tyler, Chris & Jonathan, Krista & Raul, Lauren & Sam, Kathy, and Jeremiah!  What a wonderful night.  Friends like you guys are hard to come by and I'm so thankful for each of you.

Mr. and Mrs. William Fleischer!

On June 9th a sweet friend of mine got married at Christ Chapel.  I've always loved weddings there, but now they are especially sweet to attend because it reminds me of standing up there with Jeremiah just 6 short months ago!  Lauren was stunning, I mean beautiful!

 The beautiful Micaela was one of Lauren's bridesmaids.  She introduced Lauren and I about two years ago!
 Aside from Lauren being a precious girl, this was the second reason I attended her wedding.... wedding cake!  And it was well worth it ;)
Congratulations Lauren!  I'm so happy for you and William.  Best wishes on your new life together!  I will miss you in San Antonio.

Meredith's 30th Birthday

For my 30th birthday Jeremiah and I were planning on taking a trip to North or South Carolina.  I've always wanted to go to the Outer Banks and Charleston.  I've fantasized about that area from reading too many Nicholas Sparks books.  However, about a month ago, something strange happened.  I became very pregnant.  All the sudden simple walking began to take the same toll marathon running does on the legs.  My tailbone didn't feel too hot either.  The idea of spending money to take a dream vacation and being miserable the whole time was not too appealing.  So we let the idea go, and I began to look forward to a simple relaxing summer!

The weekend before my birthday rolled around and Jeremiah told me to be home right after school on Friday.  I didn't ask why and looked forward to the surprise.  When I walked in the door, he told me to finish packing my bag.  We were going somewhere for the night!  I finished getting ready and we dropped Miles off at Chris and Jonathan's for a sleep over with Boudreaux.

At this moment I still didn't know where we were going.  We got in the car and drove Northwest of Fort Worth.  That still didn't give me much of a clue!  Pretty soon we arrived at a cute little Bed and Breakfast on a ranch.

 The room was decorated for my birthday.  The balloon on the right just couldn't wait for me to be there.
 We took walks on the property and just had a quiet evening.  This tree strangely had eyes and lips.  We thought it was our ticket oak! 
 "I love you, Ticket Oak."  "Er.....I love you too, Jeremiah."
 There was a great hammock to relax in.
Thanks for a fun surprise birthday getaway, Babe!